Revenue Heatmap for eComm

This is the tool that Shopify owners have dreamed of: a map of their site based on what sells best.

The Heatmap team ships faster and dreams bigger than anyone in this space.

The Dashboard gives users a high-level read on their eCommerce site. The most data-rich Heatmaps on the market: every clickable element on their site can be viewed by the revenue it generates.

In the spring of 2023, Heatmap came to Full Sprint looking to prepare for a mid-summer beta release. By January of 2024 the team started raising a seed round with with 500k ARR.

The Business
User Types
Featured Sprints
The Business
Subscription analytics for anyone selling on the internet

The Heatmap software takes 5-minutes to set up and a few days to collect data. Within a week every page with traffic has been mapped into the application. AI naming algorithms and an updating archive of site screenshots allow for thousands of elements to be tracked across the website.

When a shopper buys a product, the trail of clicks they took to make the purchase is tracked and annotated in This allows the owner to systematically place high-value elements in the most prominent positions.

User types
Ecommerce Owners and Conversion Rate Optimization Agencies

While individual owners have found the tool impactful, agencies that oversee multiple clients have taken quickly to the new application. The CRO experts find the tool gives them more data than anything else on the market. Full Sprint has interviewed several of these agency users, their feedback continues to add nuance and tailored functionality to the all areas of the application.

Sprint #1
The Revenue Heatmap

To help the user make sense of the data, translucent boxes overlay on all of the elements of a web page. Clicking an element displays a tooltip with revenue analytics and soon AI insights.

Sprint #2
Screen Recordings

Site owners can watch as an anonymous cursor flys across the screen, clicking and scrolling on the path to conversion. In an effort to make the trove of data more actionable, we added the ability to share key bugs with developers and sort the recordings by Rage Click.

Sprint #3
Scroll Map

The scroll map introduced a convenient layer of visibility into the depth a user reads down the page. Shop owners can see their average fold across devices and easily identify what content's getting lost.

Let's build.

Protecting our client's IP is of critical importance. Let's schedule a time to review this project and talk about your ideas.